The Elevation Method 

Ignite your internal fire, create a powerful mindset shift and elevate ALL areas of your life with ease.

The time of playing small and be driven around by self-doubt is over.

The time of making decisions from fear rather than abundance is over.

The time of settling versus letting the light in you shine forth is OVER.

We each have this powerful spark inside of us, waiting to turn into a flame. Waiting to be set free - and the longer it waits, the longer it becomes inactive.

Are you looking for more. Ready to move to the next level, truly elevate your life but not sure where to start? Click below to book your free Clarity Call.

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The biggest transformation for me through this course so far has been the deeper understanding of what patterns and paradigms are and how they affect my decisions and my reality. And also the power I feel to create my own reality and accomplish my vision, the taking responsibility over my thoughts and behaviours. I am worthy of all my desires and I am capable of change and I have limitless potential when I stay in alignment with my heart.

- Alethea


Nice to meet you!

I'm a mom to two sweet kiddos, wife to a carpenter from Brazil, perma-sipper of homemade chai and nature lover who lives from the heart and has quirky entrepreneurial tendencies.


I've been teaching yoga for 15 plus years and have a track record of managing studios, generating business ideas and putting the gems into action. Yogarise combines the things I love the most about yoga: community, connection, and authenticity. 


My passion is supporting yoga teachers who have dreams of teaching yoga, creating high-level offerings and possibly opening their own studio one day. The programs I offer help you build confidence, the skillsets and the mindset to do what you dream to do while achieving a high level of success and living a life you love. 

I talk to women every day who see the gap between where they are and where they want to be. These women have amazing dreams: they see themselves with more time, with more freedom, being there for their kids, feeling full of purpose with the work they are doing in the world.

I not only want this for you, I want to tell you it is possible. I spent a decade slaving 80+ hours per week but now I have time to do what I love, to relax, to spend time with my husband and kids and all the while my business is growing month to month, expanding it’s income and helping people’s lives change for the better.

It’s truly effortless and anyone can create a life they love. It does not have to take years or burning the candle at both ends. The process is simple and I’m going to give you every step along the way.

Book a Clarity Call

Going through Krista's Mentorship is like going to therapy every week. You shed layers of yourself you didn’t know existed. Unlearning fears and limiting beliefs. Learning techniques and tools to help you stay grounded when those old beliefs try and creep back up. You gently blossom into who you truly are. Spending time with Krista is medicine and I’d recommend this program to anyone looking to change their life.

- Gabby

The glass ceiling is often something I feel I forget about and I love breaking it down to see from the past as well as the ones I am currently experiencing. “The day before something is truly a breakthrough, it is a crazy idea.” This quote resonated with me immensely as I feel I am currently living this. I am shocked and surprised by where I am currently, compared to where I started with this program. I am so grateful for this program, your teachings, and the gains I have made to pursue what I want on this journey called life.

- Sandy

Where I was, financially, a coaching program was a big leap for where I was coming from. I do know fully that the mindset shifts from this course are what I attribute to so much of the beautiful growth I have witnessed in myself this summer. This mentorship has been transformational. So thank you!

- Lauren